Law 1420

本頁面所適用的版本可能已經過時,最後更新於Heart of Darkness

Law 1420 is a decision unique to Argentina Argentina. It gives 0.2 years worth of research points. The requirements are that Argentina has invented Social Science and have a conservative government. There are no downsides to the decision, but the bonus of 0.2 years of research points will probably increase as the game goes on because of a natural increase in literacy and the number of Clergymen mini.png clergymen and Clerks mini.png clerks.

In-game description

The Law 1420 of general common education was an argentinian law passed in 1884, during the president Julio Argentino Roca, that established the country's first free, mandatory, national and secular system of education. While the secular slant of the law caused some friction between the Catholic Church and the government, the law can nevertheless be regarded as a landmark in the history of Argentine education