
本頁面所適用的版本可能已經過時,最後更新於Heart of Darkness

19世紀的黑爾戈蘭島屬於丹麥王國。但丹麥 丹麥在基爾條約中將它割讓給了聯合王國 聯合王國。它很快成了漢諾威上層階級、藝術家和作家的旅遊勝地。德國統一後英國在黑爾戈蘭-桑給巴爾條約中將黑爾戈蘭島還給了德國

The decision will appear after Germany is formed. One needs to invent "National Fraternity" in order to enact it. Once enacted, the Heligoland Island will have a German core. There's no consequences except maybe a worse relation with Britain.

Ingame description

The small North Sea island of Heligoland had become a British possession during the Napoleonic Wars, ceded formally by Denmark in the 1814 Treaty of Kiel. After the Unification of Germany the island became an object of desire for The German Empire, as the few inhabitants of the Island were by and large Germans.