Naval unit guide

本页面所适用的版本可能已经过时,最后更新于Heart of Darkness

This is a guide of when to use which naval units. To see the mechanics and stats of each naval unit, check Naval units

Unit selection

In the start of the game, Frigate.pngFrigates are the most effective ship in the game. They can hold out during the game due to sheer numbers. Though it may severely lag the game, and crash your computer if you try to look at any battle using 1000 frigates.

Commerce raider.pngCommerce raiders are only better than frigates if one needs a fast fleet. This is because for every one commerce raider you can have, you could instead have 3 frigates.

Large numbers of Ironclad.pngIronclads are needed to colonize effectively as they award most colonization power, and also happen to be the counter to mass frigates in multiplayer (300 ironclads beats 900 frigates).

Cruiser.pngCruisers are the best ship late game. A navy cannot hold with only cruisers though. Building huge cruiser-only fleets means that one will miss when trying to attack dreadnoughts. This means that it is advised to maintain around half of the supply limit being used on dreadnoughts, while trying to balance having a large fleet with having a fleet of powerful ships.

Ships that below par and thus not advised to built are Manowar.pngMan o' war, Commerce raider.pngCommerce Raider and Monitor.pngMonitor.


Naval blockades can provide up to 25 war score if all provinces are blockaded, the blockade is prolonged and no other battles occur. On top of that blockades also increase the target nation's war exhaustion. They do however only harm the target's economy and trade indirectly (War exhaustion makes factories less profitable).

Blockades do also prevent the enemy from transporting troops over straits, while the blockader can move theirs freely. This can be the key to winning wars in places with a lot of straits e.g. against Denmark Denmark or Atjeh Atjeh. If troops walk out on an island, it is possible to completely lock them out of the war by blockading the strait.

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