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重要提示:下列这些表格中列举的统计数据不包括任何科技发明, 这些可以极大地改变各单位的质量均势。



名称 基础组织度 基础速度 建造时间 建造花费 补给消耗 侦察 攻击 防御 支援 机动力
Irregular.png 民兵 20 4 kph 45 天
10 Resource wool.png Wool
0.1 Resource wool.png Wool
0 2 2 0 1
Infantry.png 步兵 30 4 kph 90 天
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.012 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.075 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.07 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 4 4 0 1
Guard.png 近卫 30 4 kph 90 天
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
5 Resource luxury clothes.png Luxury Clothes
0.02 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.07 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.1 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0 8 2 0 2
Cavalry.png 骑兵 20 5 kph 120 天
20 Resource wool.png Wool
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.2 Resource wool.png Wool
1 3 1 0 2
Cuirassier.png 胸甲骑兵 30 5 kph 120 天
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
20 Resource steel.png Steel
0.015 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.05 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.07 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.008 Resource steel.png Steel
0 6 4 0 2
Dragoon.png 龙骑兵 30 5 kph 150 天
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.012 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.075 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.07 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
1 4 3 0 3
Hussar.png 骠骑兵 30 6 kph 120 天
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
5 Resource luxury clothes.png Luxury Clothes
0.015 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.075 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.08 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
2 3 3 0 4
Airplane.png 飞机[note 1] 30 5 kph 120 天
10 Resource aeroplanes.png Aeroplanes
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource wine.png Wine
5 Resource fuel.png Fuel
0.1 Resource aeroplanes.png Aeroplanes
0.1 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.04 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.2 Resource fuel.png Fuel
4 1 15 2 2
Support Units
Unit artillery.png 火炮 30 4 kph 120 天
10 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.1 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.06 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 1.5 3 2 1
Special Units (give occupation efficiency)
Engineer.png 工兵 30 5 kph 120 天
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
5 Resource explosives.png Explosives
0.012 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.1 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.06 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.05 Resource explosives.png Explosives
0 2 6 0.5 2
Armor.png 装甲 40 4 kph 120 天
10 Resource tanks.png Tanks
10 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
5 Resource fuel.png Fuel
0.15 Resource tanks.png Tanks
0.1 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.1 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.2 Resource fuel.png Fuel
0 16 6 0 1
  1. Counts as cavalry when counting forces. In Patch 3.04, has Discipline of only 10%, meaning they take a lot of damage if they're allowed into the front row. This makes all-airplane defensive armies a thing of the past.


  • Supply Cost is reduced by −50% when at peace, and is further altered anywhere from −50% to +10% by a nation's war policy.
  • Reconnaissance increases an army's occupation speed by 50% per level of the highest-Reconnaissance unit in the army and reduces the penalty an attacking army initially faces against a dug-in enemy. This bonus is reduced proportionally if battalions with reconnaissance constitute fewer than 10% of the total battalions in an army.
  • Siege reduces the effectiveness of enemy forts, both in reducing enemy casualties and in increasing occupation time, by one fort level for every point of Siege the highest-Siege unit in the army has. This is reduced proportionally in the same way as Reconnaissance.
  • Attack and Defense determine, combined with the roll in battle, how much damage a unit does in (respectively) offensive and defensive battles. A unit does base damage at 0, and each point adds +10% damage.
  • Support indicates the percentage of its front-rank damage a unit does from the back rank.
  • Maneuver indicates how many squares over a unit can attack if there is no enemy directly in front of it, allowing the units of a more-numerous army to team-up on the enemy units.
  • Average Damage represents the unit's ability to kill enemy troops in an even mixture of offensive and defensive battles. Units with a support rating are assumed to be in the back rank.




Not all nations start with exactly this configuration, but most civilized nations do. Uncivilized nations can only build irregulars and cavalry, though one of the westernization reforms also allows infantry.

Name Organization Speed Build Time Build Cost Supply Cost Recon Siege Attack Defense Support Maneuver Average Damage
Resource artillery.png Artillery 40 4.0 120
10 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.16 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.096 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 0 1.5 3 200% 1 24.5
Cavalry.png Cavalry 30 5.0 120
20 Resource wool.png Wool
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.36 Resource wool.png Wool
1 0 3.5 2 0% 2 12.75
Cuirassier.png Cuirassiers 40 5.0 120
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
20 Resource steel.png Steel
0.024 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.08 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.112 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 0 6 5 0% 2 15.5
Dragoon.png Dragoons 40 5.0 150
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.0216 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.135 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.126 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
1 0 5 4 0% 3 14.5
Hussar.png Hussars 40 6.0 120
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
5 Resource luxury clothes.png Luxury Clothes
0.027 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.135 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.144 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
2 0 4 4 0% 4 14
Infantry.png Infantry 40 4.0 90
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.0216 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.135 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.126 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 0 5 5 0% 1 15
Irregular.png Irregulars 30 4.0 45
10 Resource wool.png Wool
0.18 Resource wool.png Wool
0 0 2.5 3 0% 1 12.75

All tier-two technologies and inventions.

Name Organization Speed Build Time Build Cost Supply Cost Recon Siege Attack Defense Support Maneuver Average Damage
Resource artillery.png Artillery 50 4.0 120
10 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.26 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.156 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 0 1.75 4 250% 1 32.1875
Cavalry.png Cavalry 40 5.0 120
20 Resource wool.png Wool
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.54 Resource wool.png Wool
1 0 4 3 0% 2 13.5
Cuirassier.png Cuirassiers 50 5.0 120
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
20 Resource steel.png Steel
0.0345 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.115 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.161 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 0 6 5 0% 2 15.5
Dragoon.png Dragoons 50 5.0 150
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.0324 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.2025 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.189 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
1 0 6 5 0% 3 15.5
Hussar.png Hussars 50 6.0 120
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
5 Resource luxury clothes.png Luxury Clothes
0.0375 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.1875 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.2 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
2 0 4 5 0% 4 14.5
Infantry.png Infantry 50 4.0 90
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.0324 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.2025 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.189 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 0 6 6 0% 1 16
Engineer.png Engineers 50 5.0 120
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
5 Resource explosives.png Explosives
0.03 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.25 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.15 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.125 Resource explosives.png Explosives
0 1 3 11 50% 2 8.5
Irregular.png Irregulars 40 4.0 45
10 Resource wool.png Wool
0.27 Resource wool.png Wool
0 0 3 4 0% 1 13.5

All tier-three technologies and inventions.

Name Organization Speed Build Time Build Cost Supply Cost Recon Siege Attack Defense Support Maneuver Average Damage
Resource artillery.png Artillery 65 5.0 120
10 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.375 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.225 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 0 2 6 300% 1 42
Cavalry.png Cavalry 55 6.0 120
20 Resource wool.png Wool
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.75 Resource wool.png Wool
1 0 4.5 4 0% 2 14.25
Cuirassier.png Cuirassiers 65 6.0 120
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
20 Resource steel.png Steel
0.04575 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.1525 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.2135 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 0 6 5 0% 2 15.5
Dragoon.png Dragoons 65 6.0 150
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.045 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.28125 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.2625 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
2 0 7 7 0% 3 17
Hussar.png Hussars 65 7.0 120
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
5 Resource luxury clothes.png Luxury Clothes
0.05325 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.26625 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.2824 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
3 0 5 7 0% 4 16
Infantry.png Infantry 65 5.0 90
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.045 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.28125 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.2625 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 0 7 8 0% 1 17.5
Engineer.png Engineers 65 6.0 120
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
5 Resource explosives.png Explosives
0.0426 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.355 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.213 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.1775 Resource explosives.png Explosives
0 2 4 13 75% 2 13.875
Guard.png Guards 65 5.0 90
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
5 Resource luxury clothes.png Luxury Clothes
0.067 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.2345 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.335 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0 0 9 6 0% 2 17.5
Irregular.png Irregulars 55 5.0 45
10 Resource wool.png Wool
0.375 Resource wool.png Wool
0 0 3.5 5 0% 1 14.25

All tier-four technologies and inventions.

Name Organization Speed Build Time Build Cost Supply Cost Recon Siege Attack Defense Support Maneuver Average Damage
Resource artillery.png Artillery 80 6.0 120
10 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.495 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.297 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 0 2.5 8 350% 1 53.375
Cavalry.png Cavalry 70 8.0 120
20 Resource wool.png Wool
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.97 Resource wool.png Wool
1 0 5 6 0% 2 15.5
Cuirassier.png Cuirassiers 80 8.0 120
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
20 Resource steel.png Steel
0.06225 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.2075 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.2905 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 0 6 7 0% 2 16.5
Dragoon.png Dragoons 80 8.0 150
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.0582 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.36375 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.3395 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
2 0 8 11 0% 3 19.5
Hussar.png Hussars 80 9.0 120
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
5 Resource luxury clothes.png Luxury Clothes
0.06975 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.34875 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.372 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
3 0 6 12 0% 4 19
Infantry.png Infantry 80 6.0 90
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.0582 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.36375 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.3395 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 0 8 14 0% 1 21
Engineer.png Engineers 80 7.0 120
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
5 Resource explosives.png Explosives
0.0558 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.465 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.279 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.2325 Resource explosives.png Explosives
0 2 5 19 100% 2 22
Guard.png Guards 80 6.0 90
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
5 Resource luxury clothes.png Luxury Clothes
0.089 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.3115 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.445 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0 0 10 12 0% 2 21
Irregular.png Irregulars 70 6.0 45
10 Resource wool.png Wool
0.485 Resource wool.png Wool
0 0 4 7 0% 1 15.5

All tier-five technologies and inventions.

Name Organization Speed Build Time Build Cost Supply Cost Recon Siege Attack Defense Support Maneuver Average Damage
Resource artillery.png Artillery 100 7.0 120
10 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.605 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.363 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 0 3 10 450% 1 74.25
Cavalry.png Cavalry 90 9.0 120
20 Resource wool.png Wool
10 Resource wine.png Wine
1.17 Resource wool.png Wool
1 0 6 7 0% 2 16.5
Cuirassier.png Cuirassiers 100 9.0 120
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
20 Resource steel.png Steel
0.07725 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.2575 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.3605 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 0 8 8 0% 2 18
Dragoon.png Dragoons 100 9.0 150
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.0702 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.43875 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.4095 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
2 0 10 11 0% 3 20.5
Hussar.png Hussars 100 10.0 120
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
5 Resource luxury clothes.png Luxury Clothes
0.08475 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.42375 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.452 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
3 0 8 12 0% 4 20
Infantry.png Infantry 100 7.0 90
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.0702 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.43875 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.4095 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 0 14 14 0% 1 24
Engineer.png Engineers 100 8.0 120
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
5 Resource explosives.png Explosives
0.0678 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.565 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.339 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.2825 Resource explosives.png Explosives
0 3 8 20 100% 2 24
Guard.png Guards 100 7.0 90
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
5 Resource luxury clothes.png Luxury Clothes
0.109 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.3815 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.545 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0 0 16 12 0% 2 24
Irregular.png Irregulars 90 7.0 45
10 Resource wool.png Wool
0.585 Resource wool.png Wool
0 0 5 8 0% 1 16.5
Armor.png Armor 110 7.0 120
10 Resource tanks.png Barrels
10 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
5 Resource fuel.png Fuel
0.8925 Resource tanks.png Barrels
0.595 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.595 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
1.19 Resource fuel.png Fuel
0 2 18 10 0% 1 24

All tier-six technologies and inventions.

Name Organization Speed Build Time Build Cost Supply Cost Recon Siege Attack Defense Support Maneuver Average Damage
Resource artillery.png Artillery 120 8.0 120
10 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.76 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.456 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 0 4 16 600% 1 120
Cavalry.png Cavalry 110 10.0 120
20 Resource wool.png Wool
10 Resource wine.png Wine
1.21 Resource wool.png Wool
3 0 7 11 0% 2 19
Cuirassier.png Cuirassiers 120 10.0 120
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
20 Resource steel.png Steel
0.08025 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.2675 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.3745 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
2 0 10 12 0% 2 21
Dragoon.png Dragoons 120 10.0 150
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource wine.png Wine
0.0726 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.45375 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.4235 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
3 0 12 15 0% 3 23.5
Hussar.png Hussars 120 11.0 120
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
5 Resource luxury clothes.png Luxury Clothes
0.08775 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.43875 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.468 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
4 0 10 16 0% 4 23
Infantry.png Infantry 120 8.0 90
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.0726 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.45375 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.4235 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0 0 20 18 0% 1 29
Engineer.png Engineers 120 9.0 120
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
5 Resource explosives.png Explosives
0.0702 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.585 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0.351 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.2925 Resource explosives.png Explosives
0 4 12 24 100% 2 28
Guard.png Guards 120 8.0 90
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource liquor.png Liquor
5 Resource luxury clothes.png Luxury Clothes
0.113 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.3955 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.565 Resource ammunition.png Ammunition
0 0 22 16 0% 2 29
Irregular.png Irregulars 110 8.0 45
10 Resource wool.png Wool
0.605 Resource wool.png Wool
0 0 6 12 0% 1 19
Airplane.png Plane 150 9.0 120
10 Resource aeroplanes.png Aeroplanes
10 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource wine.png Wine
5 Resource fuel.png Fuel
0.495 Resource aeroplanes.png Aeroplanes
0.495 Resource small arms.png Small Arms
0.198 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.99 Resource fuel.png Fuel
6 0 3 30 600% 2 159
Armor.png Armor 130 10.0 120
10 Resource tanks.png Barrels
10 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
5 Resource fuel.png Fuel
1.1175 Resource tanks.png Barrels
0.745 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.755 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
1.49 Resource fuel.png Fuel
0 3 24 14 0% 1 29

Naval units

The game features three classes of ships:

  • Transports are used to ferry troops from one landmass to another. They are very weak in combat.
  • Light Ships, sometimes called screens, are fast but lightly armed and armored. To offset this weakness they get some unique abilities. All light ships have an evasion chance which allows them to dodge incoming fire and once certain technology has been researched some light ships gain a powerful torpedo attack.
  • Heavy Ships, sometimes called capital ships or ships of the line, carry the heaviest guns and armor. Their power is balanced by high maintenance costs and vulnerability to torpedoes. Only capital ships count towards a nation's military score.

Most heavy ships can only be built at naval bases connected by land or straits to the nation's capitol. Monitors can be built anywhere which makes them useful for guarding your far flung colonies.

Base statistics

Name Colonial




Build cost Required

naval base level

Supply score


CP per supply Supply


Speed Hull Attack Range Evasion Torpedo


Heavy Ships (Contribute to military score, can't be built overseas)
Manowar.png 风帆战列舰 5 30 5 kph 360 days
15 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
10 Resource artillery.png Artillery
1 2 2.5
0.24 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.08 Resource artillery.png Artillery
5 4 8 0.58 0 0
Ironclad.png 铁甲舰 12 30 6 kph 360 days
20 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
6 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
3 3 3
0.32 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.192 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.4 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
6 15 15 0.6 0 0
Monitor.png 低舷铁甲舰 10 30 3 kph 360 days
20 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
6 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
3 3 3.33
0.32 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.096 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.8 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
3 20 10 0.5 0 0
Battleship.png 战舰 15 30 9 kph 360 days
80 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
20 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
25 Resource coal.png Coal
4 50 0.5
1.2 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.6 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.6 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
2.5 Resource coal.png Coal
9 70 50 0.75 0 0
Dreadnought.png 无畏舰 22 30 10 kph 360 days
100 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
25 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource telephones.png Telephones
25 Resource fuel.png Fuel
5 60 0.37
1.6 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.8 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.8 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.02 Resource telephones.png Telephones
2.5 Resource fuel.png Fuel
10 80 60 0.8 0 0
Light Ships
Frigate.png 护卫舰 2 30 8 kph 180 days
10 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
5 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0 1 2
0.16 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.04 Resource artillery.png Artillery
8 3 4 0.50 0.25 0
Commerce raider.png 破交舰 8 30 10 kph 360 days
10 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
3 Resource artillery.png Artillery
2 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
1 3 2
0.16 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.096 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.16 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 6 5 0.6 0.25 0
Cruiser.png 巡洋舰 16 30 12 kph 240 days
30 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
6 Resource artillery.png Artillery
4 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
10 Resource fuel.png Fuel
4 20 0.8
0.16 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.1 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.2 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
1 Resource fuel.png Fuel
12 50 30 0.65 0.30 2
Transports (Can transport land units)
Clipper transport.png 风帆运输船 0 30 7 kph 90 days
4 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0 1 0
0.064 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
7 1 1 0.4 0 0
Steamer transport.png 蒸汽运输船 0 30 8 kph 90 days
5 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
1 2 0
0.10 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
8 5 1 0.4 0 0

Improvements over time

These statistics are improved by researching Navy Technology. The following sections will detail the statistics for ships after each tier of navy technology has been completed and all inventions in that tier have been discovered. The year provided is when the last tech in this tier becomes available for research.


Ship statistics with all tier-two tech and inventions.

Name Organization Build time Speed Hull Attack Range Evasion Torpedo
Clipper transport.pngClipper Transport 53 70 8 1 1 40 0 0
Commerce raider.pngCommerce Raider 53 340 11 6 7 60 25% 0
Frigate.pngFrigate 53 160 9 3 6 50 25% 0
Manowar.pngMan-o-War 53 340 6 4 10 58 0 0
Steamer transport.pngSteam Transport 53 70 9 5 1 40 0 0

Ship statistics with all tier-three techs and inventions.

Name Organization Build time Speed Hull Attack Range Evasion Torpedo
Clipper transport.pngClipper Transport 64 60 13 2 1 40 0 0
Commerce raider.pngCommerce Raider 64 330 16 11 10 60 25% 2
Frigate.pngFrigate 64 150 14 4 9 50 25% 0
Ironclad.pngIronclad 64 330 12 16 20 60 0 0
Manowar.pngMan-o-War 64 330 11 5 13 58 0 0
Monitor.pngMonitor 64 330 9 21 15 50 0 0
Steamer transport.pngSteam Transport 64 60 14 6 1 40 0 0

Ships statistics with all tier-four techs and inventions.

Name Organization Build time Speed Hull Attack Range Evasion Torpedo
Battleship.pngBattleship 75 300 17 73 60 75 0 0
Clipper transport.pngClipper Transport 75 30 15 2 1 40 0 0
Commerce raider.pngCommerce Raider 75 300 18 11 13 60 25% 2
Cruiser.pngCruiser 75 180 20 51 38 65 30% 10
Frigate.pngFrigate 75 120 16 4 12 50 25% 0
Ironclad.pngIronclad 75 300 15 17 24 60 0 0
Manowar.pngMan-o-War 75 300 13 5 16 58 0 0
Monitor.pngMonitor 75 300 11 21 18 50 0 0
Steamer transport.pngSteam Transport 75 30 16 6 1 40 0 0

Ships statistics with all tier-five techs and inventions.

Name Organization Build time Speed Hull Attack Range Evasion Torpedo
Battleship.pngBattleship 91 290 19 79 63 75 0 0
Clipper transport.pngClipper Transport 91 20 17 3 1 40 0 0
Commerce raider.pngCommerce Raider 91 290 20 12 14 60 25% 2
Cruiser.pngCruiser 91 170 22 57 39 65 30% 10
Dreadnought.pngDreadnought 91 290 20 91 73 80 0 0
Frigate.pngFrigate 91 110 18 5 13 50 25% 0
Ironclad.pngIronclad 91 290 17 18 25 60 0 0
Manowar.pngMan-o-War 91 290 15 6 17 58 0 0
Monitor.pngMonitor 91 290 13 22 19 50 0 0
Steamer transport.pngSteam Transport 91 20 18 7 1 40 0 0

Ships statistics with all tier-six techs and inventions.

Name Organization Build time Speed Hull Attack Range Evasion Torpedo
Battleship.pngBattleship 104 280 20 80 66 75 0 0
Clipper transport.pngClipper Transport 104 10 17 3 1 40 0 0
Commerce raider.pngCommerce Raider 104 280 20 12 16 60 25% 2
Cruiser.pngCruiser 104 160 23 58 44 65 30% 14
Dreadnought.pngDreadnought 104 280 21 92 80 80 0 0
Frigate.pngFrigate 104 100 18 5 15 50 25% 0
Ironclad.pngIronclad 104 280 17 18 27 60 0 0
Manowar.pngMan-o-War 104 280 15 6 19 58 0 0
Monitor.pngMonitor 104 280 13 22 21 50 0 0
Steamer transport.pngSteam Transport 104 10 18 7 1 40 0 0

Ships in AHD

The Heart of Darkness expansion featured an overhaul of the naval system with completely revised ship statistics and new mechanics. Here are the statistics from AHD.

  • Combat strength: A measure of the unit's combat ability. Equal to sqrt(Hull * Gun power).
  • Yearly statistics assume all available naval technologies and inventions have been obtained.

Base statistics

Name Transport Organization Speed Build time Build cost Supply cost Hull Gun power Combat strength
Clipper Transport True 30 10 90
4 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.064 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
1 1 1.000
Commerce Raider 30 10 360
2 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
3 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.16 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.096 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.16 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
8 5 6.235
Cruiser 30 12 240
10 Resource fuel.png Fuel
4 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
6 Resource artillery.png Artillery
30 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
1.0 Resource fuel.png Fuel
0.2 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.1 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.16 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
50 30 38.730
Dreadnought 30 10 360
25 Resource fuel.png Fuel
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
25 Resource artillery.png Artillery
100 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
10 Resource telephones.png Telephones
2.5 Resource fuel.png Fuel
0.8 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.8 Resource artillery.png Artillery
1.6 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.02 Resource telephones.png Telephones
80 60 69.282
Frigate 30 8 180
5 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.04 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.16 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
2 4 2.828
Ironclad 30 6 360
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
6 Resource artillery.png Artillery
20 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.4 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.192 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.32 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
15 10 12.247
Manowar 30 5 360
10 Resource artillery.png Artillery
15 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.08 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.24 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
4 8 5.657
Monitor 30 3 360
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
6 Resource artillery.png Artillery
20 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.8 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.096 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.32 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
20 5 10.000
Steam Transport True 30 15 90
5 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.1 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
10 2 4.472
1830 naval statistics
Name Transport Organization Speed Build time Build cost Supply cost Hull Gun power Combat strength
Clipper Transport True 30 10 90
4 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.064 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
1 1 1.000
Frigate 30 8 180
5 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.04 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.16 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
2 4 2.828
Manowar 30 5 360
10 Resource artillery.png Artillery
15 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.08 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.24 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
4 8 5.657
1850 naval statistics
Name Transport Organization Speed Build time Build cost Supply cost Hull Gun power Combat strength
Clipper Transport True 67 11 60
4 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.064 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
2 1 1.414
Commerce Raider 67 11 330
2 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
3 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.16 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.096 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.16 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
9 9 9.000
Frigate 67 9 150
5 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.04 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.16 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
3 8 4.899
Manowar 67 6 330
10 Resource artillery.png Artillery
15 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.08 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.24 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
5 12 7.746
Steam Transport True 67 16 60
5 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.1 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
11 2 4.690
1870 naval statistics
Name Transport Organization Speed Build time Build cost Supply cost Hull Gun power Combat strength
Clipper Transport True 78 16 50
4 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.064 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
2 1 1.414
Commerce Raider 78 16 320
2 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
3 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.16 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.096 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.16 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
9 13 10.817
Frigate 78 14 140
5 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.04 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.16 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
3 12 6.000
Ironclad 78 12 320
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
6 Resource artillery.png Artillery
20 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.4 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.192 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.32 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
18 20 18.974
Manowar 78 11 320
10 Resource artillery.png Artillery
15 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.08 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.24 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
5 16 8.944
Monitor 78 9 320
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
6 Resource artillery.png Artillery
20 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.8 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.096 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.32 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
21 13 16.523
Steam Transport True 78 21 50
5 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.1 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
11 2 4.690
1900 naval statistics
Name Transport Organization Speed Build time Build cost Supply cost Hull Gun power Combat strength
Clipper Transport True 94 20 20
4 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.064 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
3 1 1.732
Commerce Raider 94 20 290
2 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
3 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.16 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.096 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.16 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
10 14 11.832
Cruiser 94 22 170
10 Resource fuel.png Fuel
4 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
6 Resource artillery.png Artillery
30 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
1.0 Resource fuel.png Fuel
0.2 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.1 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.16 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
57 39 47.149
Dreadnought 94 20 290
25 Resource fuel.png Fuel
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
25 Resource artillery.png Artillery
100 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
10 Resource telephones.png Telephones
2.5 Resource fuel.png Fuel
0.8 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.8 Resource artillery.png Artillery
1.6 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.02 Resource telephones.png Telephones
91 73 81.505
Frigate 94 18 110
5 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.04 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.16 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
4 13 7.211
Ironclad 94 17 290
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
6 Resource artillery.png Artillery
20 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.4 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.192 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.32 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
20 22 20.976
Manowar 94 15 290
10 Resource artillery.png Artillery
15 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.08 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.24 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
6 17 10.100
Monitor 94 13 290
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
6 Resource artillery.png Artillery
20 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.8 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.096 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.32 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
22 14 17.550
Steam Transport True 94 25 20
5 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.1 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
12 2 4.899
1919 naval statistics
Name Transport Organization Speed Build time Build cost Supply cost Hull Gun power Combat strength
Clipper Transport True 107 22 10
4 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.064 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
3 1 1.732
Commerce Raider 107 22 280
2 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
3 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.16 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.096 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.16 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
10 16 12.649
Cruiser 107 25 160
10 Resource fuel.png Fuel
4 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
6 Resource artillery.png Artillery
30 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
1.0 Resource fuel.png Fuel
0.2 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.1 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.16 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
58 44 50.517
Dreadnought 107 23 280
25 Resource fuel.png Fuel
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
25 Resource artillery.png Artillery
100 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
10 Resource telephones.png Telephones
2.5 Resource fuel.png Fuel
0.8 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.8 Resource artillery.png Artillery
1.6 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.02 Resource telephones.png Telephones
92 80 85.790
Frigate 107 20 100
5 Resource artillery.png Artillery
10 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.04 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.16 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
4 15 7.746
Ironclad 107 19 280
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
6 Resource artillery.png Artillery
20 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.4 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.192 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.32 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
20 24 21.909
Manowar 107 17 280
10 Resource artillery.png Artillery
15 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
0.08 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.24 Resource clipper convoys.png Clipper Convoys
6 19 10.677
Monitor 107 15 280
10 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
6 Resource artillery.png Artillery
20 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.8 Resource canned food.png Canned Food
0.096 Resource artillery.png Artillery
0.32 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
22 16 18.762
Steam Transport True 107 27 10
5 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
0.1 Resource steamer convoys.png Steamer Convoys
12 2 4.899