Sand River Convention

本页面所适用的版本可能已经过时,最后更新于Heart of Darkness
(重定向自The Sand River Convention
Portrait of Andries Wilhelmus Jacobus Pretorius, one of the signatories of the Sand River Convention on 17 January 1852.

The Sand River Convention is a decision by Transvaal Transvaal. It is possible to enact if one have researched State and Government and have a relation of at least 75 with United Kingdom. It also requires that Transvaal does not own any provinces, that has a British core. British South Africa has British cores, so one cannot have annexed South Africa. It gives a +25 better relation with United Kingdom United Kingdom and outlaws slavery.

It is identical except for the name to Oranje Oranjes decision Orange River Convention.

The decision does not really give enough credit to the actual Sand River Convention. The convention was actually United Kingdoms formal recognition of Transvaals independence and outlawing slavery was merely a part of the convention.