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[[File:Trade_screen.png|800px|thumb|right|Trade Screen]]
[[File:Trade_screen.png|800px|thumb|right| 贸易界面]]
'''Trade''' in [[Victoria II]] is conducted by the AI and can be defined by the amount of produced goods that are exchanged in local markets and on the World market. Goods produced by [[RGO]]s and manufactured by [[factories]] and [[artisans]] are first consumed by the national market, that is the [[POP]]s that can pay for them and by the factories that transform these materials into higher value productions.
《[[维多利亚2]]》中的''' 贸易''' 是由人工智能进行的,可以根据在国内市场和世界市场上交换的商品数量来定义。来自[[ 资源生产作业]] [[ 工厂]] [[ 手工业者]] 的商品首先在国内市场出售,能够承担其费用的[[ 人群]] 以及将这些材料转化为高价值产品的工厂将会消费这些商品。

If the country is a [[great power]], or is a non-great power in a great power's [[sphere of influence]], the leftover quantities of goods that haven't been sold on the national market are then sold to the markets of other countries in the same sphere (sometimes referred to as ''spherelings''). Lastly, any quantities that have not been sold on these common markets are then dumped onto the World market.
如果该国是[[ 列强]] ,或者是处于列强[[ 势力范围]] 内的非列强,未在国内市场上销售的剩余商品随后出售给同一势力范围(有时称为“势力圈”)内其他国家的市场。

The World market only buys the amount of goods there is demand for. "If only 90% of the production could be bought then only 90% is bought. The remaining 10% is lost to the system and all the producers only receive 90% of the money they would have got. What this means is that when supply is greater than demand, less efficient producers will be forced out of that market for good [...] the market does not buy goods on its own, it simply acts as a clearing house for goods (as it should do).<ref>[http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?467524-Developer-Diary-17-%96-The-World-Market-and-Buying Paradox forum] Developer Diary 17 : The World Market and Buying, posted on 24 March 2010.</ref>".
世界市场只购买有需求的商品。“如果只有90% 的商品需求,那么只有90% 的商品被购买,剩下的10% 在这个系统中消失掉,所有的生产商只得到他们本该得到的90% 的钱。这意味着,当供应大于需求时,效率较低的生产商将被迫永远退出该市场。市场并不自行购买商品,它只是充当商品的结算所(它应该这样做)。<ref>[http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?467524-Developer-Diary-17-%96-The-World-Market-and-Buying Paradox forum] Developer Diary 17 : The World Market and Buying, posted on 24 March 2010.</ref>

== Trade order ==
== 交易顺序 ==
Whenever a POP, Factory or Government has a need, it will first try to satisfy that need in the Common Market. If there is no way to meet the Demand on the Common Market, then they will try to buy from the World Market instead. Access to the world market is regulated by each nation's overall rank<ref>[http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?696370-Who-buys-first&p=15650709&viewfull=1#post15650709 podcat confirms] that rank governs access to the world market</ref>, therefore the nation with the highest rank buys first, then the second highest and so on. If an item is in high demand, it is possible that nations with lower rankings will not have anything left to buy when their turn comes (this is common early on in the game with clipper convoys, for example, making it hard for an unciv to build or supply a navy).
当人群、工厂或政府有需求时,它会首先在共同市场上设法满足这种需求。如果共同市场无法满足需求,那么他们将转而从世界市场购买。世界市场的秩序是由每个国家的总体排名<ref>[http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?696370-Who-buys-first&p=15650709&viewfull=1#post15650709 podcat confirms] 排名决定了进入世界市场的机会</ref> 来调节的,因此排名最高的国家首先购买,然后是第二高的国家,以此类推。如果某种商品的需求量很大,那么很可能在轮到排名较低的国家的时候就没有东西可买了(例如,游戏早期的帆船,这使得未开化国家很难建造、供应海军)。

If any country is part of another country’s Sphere of Influence, its national market is joined with its master country and all other members of that Sphere of Influence, making a larger and more versatile Common Market. In this case, tariffs do not apply to trades between nations within the same sphere of influence<ref>[http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?584837-AHD-Sphere-of-Influence&p=13453007&viewfull=1#post13453007 Darkrenown] on sphere and tariffs</ref>. Therefore, sphering a nation that provides most of the imports to a Great Power might be counterproductive to the overall economy of the sphere of influence. For example, sphering China could lead to sphere of influence market saturation because of its products entering the sphere of influence market and directly competing with local production. On the other hand, sphering a nation that produces goods in high demand would give direct access to these goods, removing the need to buy them on the world market. For example, Great Britain has most dye RGOs in her sphere of influence and her fabric factories buy dye directly from them, without accessing the world market.
如果一个国家是另一个国家势力范围的一部分,那么它的国内市场就与它的势力范围领袖、该势力范围内的所有其他成员国相结合,从而形成一个更大、更广泛的共同市场。在这种情况下,同势力范围国家之间的贸易并不会收取关税<ref>[http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?584837-AHD-Sphere-of-Influence&p=13453007&viewfull=1#post13453007 Darkrenown] 势力范围与关税</ref> 。因此,如果一个国家向一个列强提供了大部分进口商品,把这个国家纳入势力范围可能会对势力范围内的整体经济产生反作用。例如,将中国纳入势力范围可能导致势力范围市场饱和,因为中国的产品进入共同市场后会直接与本土产品竞争。另一方面,将一个生产高需求商品的国家纳入势力范围有助于直接获得这些商品,从而消除了在世界市场上购买这些商品的需要。例如,英国在其势力范围内拥有大多数生产染料的RGO,势力范围内国家的织物工厂就可以直接从他们那里购买染料,而不需要进入世界市场。

== Price changing ==
== 价格变动 ==
Pricing of goods depends on its overall Supply, relative to its Demand.
*If goods are overproduced, then price decreases with constant speed 0.01 per day until it reaches default_price*0.22 and then price is frozen. If it is RGO only goods, the producers will quickly reduce production until supply matches demand and price is about default_price ± 0.1.
* 如果商品生产过剩,则价格以每天0.01 的恒定速度下降,直到达到默认价格*0.22 ,然后价格不再下降。如果是纯RGO生产的商品,生产商将迅速减产,直到供应与需求匹配,价格约为默认价格±0.1
*If there is lack of goods, then price increases with constant speed of 0.01 per day until it reaches default_price*5 and then price is frozen.
* 如果商品短缺,则以每天0.01 的恒定速度涨价,直到达到默认价格*5 ,然后价格不再上涨。

==Trade screen==
== 贸易界面==
[[File:Left_side.png|800px|thumb|right|Top left side of the trade screen]]
[[File:Left_side.png|800px|thumb|right| 贸易界面的左上方]]
The trade screen can be divided into three sections. In top left you have all the goods that are in the game along with their current price. Top right you have a detailed view of the good that is selected and in the bottom of the screen you have four different tables showing additional information relating to trade. Let's go over these one by one.

===Left side===
=== 左栏===

So in the top left we can see all the goods that are in the game divided into four categories:

*Raw Materials: Goods that are produced by [[RGO]]s.
* 原材料:由[[RGO]] 生产的商品。
*Industrial Goods: Goods that are produced by artisans and factories.
* 工业品:由手工业者和工厂生产的商品。
*Consumer Goods: Goods that are mostly used by pops. This includes both RGO produced goods like cattle and fish, as well as artisan/factory produced goods like liquor and clothes.
* 消费品:主要由人群消费的商品,囊括了RGO生产的商品(比如牛和鱼)和手工业者/ 工厂生产的商品(比如烈酒和衣物)。
*Military Goods: Goods that are mostly used by governments for military units and forts.
* 军需品:主要由政府消费,用于军队和要塞的商品。

Note that not all goods are present here at the start of the game. Goods like radio or aeroplanes only become visible here once you research the appropriate techs.

Next to each trade good you can see some info about them:

*The current price of the good.
* 商品的当前价格
*A little arrow next to the price(this indicates how the price has changed since yesterday).
* 价格旁边的一个小箭头,表示该商品的价格相比于昨天如何变化
*A green circle with the word AI written in it(this indicates that the trading of this good is currently automated).
* 一个绿色的圆圈,上面写着AI,表示该商品的贸易是通过AI自动控制的
*A stack of coins with a blue "lesser than" sign next to it(this indicates that the good is currently being bought into your stockpile).
[[File:Trade_tooltips.png|500px|thumb|right| 工具提示]]
You can also see in the screenshot that some of the prices are in different colors(black, red or green). This indicates how close the price is to the base price. If the price is more than 10% above the base price, it will be green. If it's more than 10% bellow base price, it's red. If it's within +-10% of the base price, it's black.
在截图中我们可以看到价格的颜色是不同的(黑色、红色或绿色),这表明当前价格和基础价格之间的差距。如果当前价格比基础价格高出10% 以上,则为绿色;如果低于基础价格10% 以上,则为红色;如果当前价格在基础价格的±10% 以内,则为黑色。

You can also hover your mouse over the trade goods to get more info on them. Look at the screenshot on the right. This shows the three different tooltips that are available:

*If you hover over the good icon you can see the top 5 producers in the world and how much they produce.
* 如果你将鼠标悬停在商品图标上,你可以看到世界前五大生产商及其产量。
*If you hover over the price you can see the global supply, demand and "actual bought" of that good. Note that the "actual bought" can be different than demand since not everybody who wants that good can necessarily afford it.
* 如果你将鼠标悬停在价格上,你可以看到全球的供应量,需求量和“实际购买量”。请注意,“实际购买量”可能与需求量不同,因为不是每个想要这种商品的人都能买得起。
*If you hover over the arrow you can see how much the price has changed since yesterday.
* 如果你将鼠标悬停在箭头上,你可以看到价格自昨天以来变化了多少。

If you click a trade good it will be selected and will show additional info on the right side of the trade screen. If on the other hand you click the good icon, it will open the production window for that good.

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===Right side===
=== 右栏===
[[File:Right_side.png|500px|thumb|right|Top right side of the trade screen]]
[[File:Right_side.png|500px|thumb|right| 贸易界面的右上方]]
When you click on a trade good it is selected and you can now see more detailed info about it on the right side of the trade screen. Here you can see:

*The exact price of the good and how it has evolved in the last 36 months.
* 商品的确切价格以及在过去36个月里的演变情况。
*The automate checkbox. While this is checked the computer will handle the buying and selling of this good. Unchecking it means that it is up to you to decide how much to buy this good. All goods are set to automate at game start.
* 自动贸易开关。当复选框被选中时,计算机将处理这种商品的买卖,而取消选中意味着由你自己决定购买多少。所有商品在游戏开始时都设置为自动贸易。
*Details button. This will open a new window that shows more info about this good.
* 详细信息按钮。点击它会打开一个新窗口,显示有关此商品的更多信息。
*Domestic demand. This is divided into three sections: "need for government", "need for producers" and "need for pops". Note that demand will often be higher than what is actually bought since pops and factories might not be able to afford it. Also the "need for producers" does not include artisans demands.
* 国内需求。它分为三个部分:“政府的需求”、“生产者的需求”和“人群的需求”。请注意,需求通常会高于实际购买量,因为人群和工厂可能负担不起。“生产者的需求”也不包括手工业者的需求。
*"Available for our country". This shows the quantity of this good that you have direct access to. So in other words, it's your countries production + your spherelings production + your stockpile. This means factories/pops can usually buy more than is "available for our country" since this stat does not include goods that are in the Global Market.
* “可供我国使用”。它显示了你可以直接购买到的这种商品的数量。换言之,就是你国内的产量+ 你势力范围内的产量+ 你的库存。这意味着工厂/ 人群的购买量通常超过“可供我国使用”的数量,因为这一统计数据不包括全球市场上的商品。
* Buy/Sell slider. If you uncheck the automate checkbox, you can then use this slider to decide how much of this good you want to have in your stockpile. Click the button next to the slider to show either buy or sell, then set the amount on the slider and hit Confirm Trade. The AI will now start buying/selling that good until your stockpile reaches the desired quantity - and then stay there.
* 买入/ 卖出滑条。如果取消选中“自动贸易”复选框,则可以使用此滑条来决定您希望在库存中保留多少这种产品。单击滑条旁边的按钮以显示买入或卖出,然后在滑条上设置数量并点击“确认贸易”,然后人工智能将开始购买/ 出售这些商品,直到你的库存达到所需数量,然后停下来。







== 外部链接 ==
===Bottom of the screen===
Here we see four sections: Needs, Market Activity, Stockpile and Common Market.
[[File:Bottom.png|800px|thumb|right|Bottom of the trade screen]]
'''Needs''' section shows the domestic demand of:
*Government: Goods needed for military units and buildings.
*Factories: Goods needed for you factories to work properly.
*Population: Your populations life needs, everyday needs and luxury needs.
'''Market Activity''' shows how much of that good your common market(you + your spherelings) exported(if the numbers are positive) or imported(if they are negative).
'''Stockpile''' shows how much of each good you have in your stockpile. "Increase" shows how much this has changed since yesterday.
'''Common Market''' shows how much of each good was "available" in your common market. "Increase" shows how much this has changed since yesterday. "Exported" is somewhat misleading as it's not how much was actually sold but rather means how much was available for export. So if you look at the screenshot on the right, we can see that 208.0 cattle was "exported"(available for export), but under "market activity" we can see that only 196.5 were actually sold.
== External links ==

* [https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?651424-trade-screen-explained Trade Screen Explained]
* [https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?651424-trade-screen-explained Trade Screen Explained]

== 参见==

[[Category: 经济]]

2022年12月22日 (四) 20:33的最新版本










  • 如果商品生产过剩,则价格以每天0.01的恒定速度下降,直到达到默认价格*0.22,然后价格不再下降。如果是纯RGO生产的商品,生产商将迅速减产,直到供应与需求匹配,价格约为默认价格±0.1。
  • 如果商品短缺,则以每天0.01的恒定速度涨价,直到达到默认价格*5,然后价格不再上涨。






  • 原材料:由RGO生产的商品。
  • 工业品:由手工业者和工厂生产的商品。
  • 消费品:主要由人群消费的商品,囊括了RGO生产的商品(比如牛和鱼)和手工业者/工厂生产的商品(比如烈酒和衣物)。
  • 军需品:主要由政府消费,用于军队和要塞的商品。



  • 商品的当前价格
  • 价格旁边的一个小箭头,表示该商品的价格相比于昨天如何变化
  • 一个绿色的圆圈,上面写着AI,表示该商品的贸易是通过AI自动控制的





  • 如果你将鼠标悬停在商品图标上,你可以看到世界前五大生产商及其产量。
  • 如果你将鼠标悬停在价格上,你可以看到全球的供应量,需求量和“实际购买量”。请注意,“实际购买量”可能与需求量不同,因为不是每个想要这种商品的人都能买得起。
  • 如果你将鼠标悬停在箭头上,你可以看到价格自昨天以来变化了多少。





  • 商品的确切价格以及在过去36个月里的演变情况。
  • 自动贸易开关。当复选框被选中时,计算机将处理这种商品的买卖,而取消选中意味着由你自己决定购买多少。所有商品在游戏开始时都设置为自动贸易。
  • 详细信息按钮。点击它会打开一个新窗口,显示有关此商品的更多信息。
  • 国内需求。它分为三个部分:“政府的需求”、“生产者的需求”和“人群的需求”。请注意,需求通常会高于实际购买量,因为人群和工厂可能负担不起。“生产者的需求”也不包括手工业者的需求。
  • “可供我国使用”。它显示了你可以直接购买到的这种商品的数量。换言之,就是你国内的产量+你势力范围内的产量+你的库存。这意味着工厂/人群的购买量通常超过“可供我国使用”的数量,因为这一统计数据不包括全球市场上的商品。
  • 买入/卖出滑条。如果取消选中“自动贸易”复选框,则可以使用此滑条来决定您希望在库存中保留多少这种产品。单击滑条旁边的按钮以显示买入或卖出,然后在滑条上设置数量并点击“确认贸易”,然后人工智能将开始购买/出售这些商品,直到你的库存达到所需数量,然后停下来。





  • 政府:军队与建筑需求的商品。
  • 工厂:工厂运转所需的商品。
  • 人口:你的人口的必需品需求、日用品需求和奢侈品需求。







  1. Paradox forum Developer Diary 17 : The World Market and Buying, posted on 24 March 2010.
  2. podcat confirms 排名决定了进入世界市场的机会
  3. Darkrenown 势力范围与关税