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Mikus1239讨论 | 贡献2020年10月20日 (二) 14:07的版本





从某种意义上说,多元化可以表达为你的人群将达到的最大觉醒度。高度多元化将促使低觉醒度的人群增加觉醒度。多元化在游戏过程中增加,反映了这一时期的人群态度变化。某些科技研究,如意识形态思想,会触发增加多元化的发明。 多元化每月会增加平均觉醒度*2/90的数量。


  • 提供研究点数修正
  • 作为识字率提升的觉醒度的一个修正
  • 增加需求修正


Socialist demagouge.jpg

Consciousness is your population’s desire to fulfill their own self-interests. Consciousness is what allows segments of your population to see themselves as interest groups, band together, and try to gain a voice in government. The higher your population’s Consciousness, the better their political votes reflect their actual desires. This way, if your population is majority conservative, they are more likely to vote into power a conservative government than a liberal one, which can happen if Consciousness is very low. Overall, though, low Consciousness POPs tend to reelect the sitting government.

Consciousness also increases POP needs, by 10% per point. This means that if a POP has a con of 10, it requires 1+10/10 = 2 times the normal amount of goods to fulfill their needs.

Consciousness is increased by the following factors:

  • Literacy by CON_LITERACY * Plurality * Literacy * (1 + literacy_con_impact) (only when plurality is at least 30%.)
  • Luxury Goods
  • Colonial Residence

Consciousness is reduced by:

  • Clergy: A Clergyman in a state will reduce the Consciousness of all POPs throughout that state, even if they are of different religions. This works because the game constructs religion as a social factor open to all classes, regardless of creed, color, or wealth. Therefore, religions utilized wisely in the game will prevent classes from discovering their own political identities, and thus becoming angry at the current government.
  • Enacting Reforms: Doing this creates a “Trust in Government” feeling among your POPs, where they feel certain that the government is watching out for their needs. Because they feel this way, they have less of a need to form their own political groups, and hence, lower Consciousness. There is a -0.01% Consciousness modifier for each 10% over 50% your government spends on the social reform budget. Over funding, however, is not always possible to do because, first, you may have a Laissez-Faire party in power (see section “Politics”) or it may be far too expensive.




人群斗争性等级 影响
1-6斗争性 无影响
7斗争性 加入一个叛乱派系并资助该组织
8斗争性 加入当前省份正在进行的叛乱
9斗争性 立刻叛乱(士兵人群对应的单位将叛变)


  • 未满足日用品需求
  • 反对执政党
  • 不属于已接受文化
  • 厌战度、丢失战争目标或征服非核心省份
  • 失去列强地位
  • 民族主义
  • 失去存款(由银行违约产生)
  • 当战争分数严重为负时拒绝和平条约


  • 满足日用品需求
  • 满足奢侈品需求
  • 支持执政党
  • 保守主义意识形态
  • 军队在附近驻扎
  • 叛乱失败:叛军士兵受伤越多,斗争性下降越多