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This is a list of all the basic information of all nations in vanilla Victoria 2.

Tag Country Name Capital Primary Culture State Religion Government Type Plurality National Value Literacy
ABU Abu Dhabi 1167 bedouin shiite Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.3
AFG Afghanistan 1209 pashtun sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.2
ALB Albania 849 Albanian sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.4 Order 0.15
ALD Aldjazair 1708 maghrebi sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.05
ANH Anhalt 555 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
ARG Argentina 2348 platinean catholic Presidential Dictatorship 0.0 Order 0.12
ARM Armenia 1098 Armenian orthodox Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.1
AST Australia 2468 British Protestant Constitutional Monarchy 0.98 Liberty 0.7
ATJ Atjeh 1405 Malay sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.03
AUS Austria 619 south_german catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.40
AWA Awadh 1244 avadhi shiite Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.1
AZB Azerbaijan 1102 Azerbaijani sunni Democracy 0.0 Order 0.28
BAD Baden 586 south_german catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
BAL Bali 1438 Malay animist Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.01
BAS Bastar 1279 telegu Hindu Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
BAV Bavaria 599 south_german catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
BEL Belgium 387 wallonian catholic Constitutional Monarchy 0.0 Liberty 0.28
BER Beroda 1295 Gujarati Hindu Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
BHO Bhopal 1272 marathi Hindu Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
BHU Bhutan 1329 Tibetan mahayana Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
BIK Bikaner 1267 rajput Hindu Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
BOH Bohemia 625 Czech catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.7
BOL Bolivia 2313 south_andean catholic Presidential Dictatorship 0.0 Order 0.09
BOS Bosnia 783 bosniak sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.08 Order 0.2
BRA Braunschweig 536 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
BRE Bremen 539 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
BRU Brunei 1393 Malay sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.03
BRZ Brazil 2447 Brazilian catholic Constitutional Monarchy 0.0 Liberty 0.08
BUK Bukkhara 1198 uzbek sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.01
BUL Bulgaria 809 Bulgarian orthodox Constitutional Monarchy 0.08 Order 0.4
BUN Bundelkhand 1274 kanauji Hindu Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
BUR Burma 1334 Burmese theravada Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
CAL Californian Republic 84 Yankee theravada Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
CAM Cambodia 1364 khmer theravada Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
CAN Canada 57 anglo_canadian Protestant Constitutional Monarchy 0.2 Order 0.6
CAT Catalonia 498 Catalan catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.05 Order 0.13
CHE Cherokee 143 Cherokee animist Democracy 0.05 Order 0.17
CHI China 1612 manchu mahayana Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.04
CHL Chile 2324 south_andean catholic Democracy 0.0 Liberty 0.12
CLM Colombia 2247 north_andean catholic Democracy 0.0 Liberty 0.12
COB Saxe 562 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
COL Columbia 14 anglo_canadian Protestant Democracy 0.5 Liberty 0.6
COS Costa Rica 2201 central_american catholic Democracy 0.1 Liberty 0.17
CRE Crete 848 Greek orthodox Absolute Monarchy 0.05 Order 0.22
CRI Crimea 967 tatar sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.02 Order 0.1
CRO Croatia 771 Croat catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.05 Order 0.2
CSA CSA 195 dixie Protestant Democracy 0.1 Order 0.50
CUB Cuba 2209 caribeno catholic Presidential Dictatorship 0.5 Order 0.17
CYP Cyprus 855 Turkish sunni Democracy 0.05 Order 0.04
CZH Czechoslovakia 625 Czech catholic Democracy 0.0 Liberty 0.28
DAI Dai Viet 1369 Vietnamese mahayana Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
DEN Denmark 372 Danish Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
DES Deseret 97 yankee Protestant Presidential Dictatorship 0.2 Order 0.50
DOM Dominican Republic 2214 caribeno catholic Presidential Dictatorship 0.1 Order 0.17
DZG Danzig 690 north_german Protestant Democracy 0.05 Order 0.65
ECU Ecuador 2279 north_andean catholic Democracy 0.0 Liberty 0.1
EGY Egypt 1745 misri sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
ELS El Salvador 2191 central_american catholic Presidential Dictatorship 0.0 Order 0.17
ENG United Kingdom 300 British Protestant Constitutional Monarchy 5 Order 0.55
EST Estonia 349 Estonian Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.2 Order 0.6
ETH Ethiopia 1852 amhara orthodox Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
FIN Finland 343 Finnish Protestant Democracy 0.5 Liberty 0.7
FLA Flanders 387 Flemish catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.05 Order 0.28
FRA France 425 French catholic Constitutional Monarchy 5 Equality 0.70
FRM Frankfurt am Main 564 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
GEO Georgia 1095 Georgian orthodox Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.1
GER Germany 549 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.15 Order 0.87
GRE Greece 834 Greek orthodox Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.22
GUA Guatemala 2186 central_american catholic Presidential Dictatorship 0.1 Order 0.17
GWA Gwalior 1270 marathi Hindu Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
GXI Guangxi Clique 1502 zhuang mahayana Presidential Dictatorship 0.0 Order 0.04
HAI Haiti 2213 afro_antillean catholic Presidential Dictatorship 0.1 Order 0.08
HAM Hamburg 528 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
HAN Hannover 534 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
HAW Hawaii 658 Polynesian Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.80
HDJ Hedjaz 1151 mashriqi sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.01
HEK HesseKassel 566 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
HES HesseDarmstadt 2560 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
HND India 1251 marathi Hindu Democracy 0.0 Equality 0.02
HOL Holstein 369 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
HON Honduras 2193 central_american catholic Presidential Dictatorship 0.1 Liberty 0.17
HUN Hungary 641 Hungarian catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.25
HYD Hyderabad 1283 avadhi sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
IND Indore 1271 marathi Hindu Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
ION Ionian Islands 826 Greek orthodox Presidential Dictatorship 0.0 Order 0.22
IRE Ireland 263 Irish catholic Democracy 0.1 Order 0.55
IRQ Iraq 926 mashriqi sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.28
ITA Italy 749 north_italian catholic Constitutional Monarchy 0.12 Order 0.28
JAI Jaipur 1268 rajput Hindu Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
JAP Japan 1649 Japanese mahayana Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.40
JAS Jaisalmer 1265 rajput Hindu Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
JAV Java 1413 javan sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.03
JOD Jodhpur 1266 rajput Hindu Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
JOH Johore 1385 Malay sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
KAL Kalat 1221 baluchi sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
KAS Kashmir 1225 kashmiri Hindu Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
KHI Khiva 1191 uzbek sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
KOK Kokand 1202 Kirgiz sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
KOR Korea 1624 Korean mahayana Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.06
KRA Kraków 703 polish catholic Democracy 0.0 Liberty 0.6
KUK Austria-Hungary 619 south_german catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.25
KUT Kutch 1293 Gujarati sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
LAD Ladakh 1226 Tibetan mahayana Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
LAT Latvia 354 Latvian catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.2 Order 0.6
LIB Liberia 1887 african_minor Protestant Democracy 0.0 Order 0.03
LIP Lippe 585 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
LIT Lithuania 360 Lithuanian catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.2 Order 0.6
LOM Lombardia 726 north_italian catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.4
LUA Luang Prabang 1356 lao theravada Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
LUB Lubeck 530 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
LUC Lucca 746 north_italian catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.45
LUX Luxemburg 397 north_german catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.2 Liberty 0.45
MAD Madagascar 2115 malagasy catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.035
MAK Makran 1222 baluchi sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
MAN Manhattan Commune 232 yankee Protestant Democracy 0.5 Liberty 0.50
MCK Manchukuo 1465 mashriqi mahayana Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.28
MEC Mecklenburg 544 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
MEI Saxe 563 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
MEW Mewar 1269 rajput Hindu Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
MEX Mexico 2172 Mexican catholic Democracy 0.0 Liberty 0.12
MGL Mongolia 1465 mashriqi mahayana Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.28
MOD Modena 739 north_italian catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.45
MOL Moldavia 670 Romanian orthodox Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.1
MON Montenegro 2583 serb orthodox Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.1
MOR Morocco 1680 maghrebi sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.03
MTC Metis Confederacy 37 metis animist Democracy 0.05 Liberty 0.17
MUG Mughalistan 1236 panjabi sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.03
MYS Mysore 1313 Kannada Hindu Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
NAG Nagpur 1277 marathi Hindu Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
NAL Natalia 2111 boer Protestant Democracy 0.0 Liberty 0.25
NAS Nassau 570 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
NEJ Nejd 1157 bedouin sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.01
NEN New England 243 yankee Protestant Democracy 0.5 Liberty 0.50
NEP Nepal 1326 nepali mahayana Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.01
NET Netherlands 375 Dutch Protestant Absolute Monarchy 5 Order 0.60
NEW Newfoundland 74 anglo_canadian catholic Democracy 0.2 Order 0.6
NGF North German Fed 549 north_german Protestant Democracy 0.15 Order 0.87
NIC Nicaragua 2199 central_american catholic Democracy 0.1 Equality 0.17
NOR Norway 313 Norwegian Protestant Constitutional Monarchy 0.5 Liberty 0.87
NZL New Zealand 2512 British Protestant Constitutional Monarchy 0.88 Liberty 0.5
OLD Oldenburg 540 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
OMA Oman 1166 bedouin shiite Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.03
ORA Oranje 2101 boer Protestant Presidential Dictatorship 0.0 Liberty 0.25
ORI Orissa 1261 oriya Hindu Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
PAN Panjab 1227 panjabi Sikh Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
PAP Papal States 749 south_italian catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.35
PAR Parma 738 north_italian catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.45
PER Persia 1121 Persian shiite Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.03
PEU Peru 2295 south_andean catholic Presidential Dictatorship 0.0 Order 0.1
PHI Philippines 1455 Filipino catholic Democracy 0.0 Liberty 0.28
PNM Panama 2204 central_american catholic Presidential Dictatorship 0.1 Order 0.25
POL Poland 706 polish catholic Democracy 0.2 Order 0.6
POR Portugal 521 Portuguese catholic Constitutional Monarchy 0.0 Equality 0.13
PRG Paraguay 2339 platinean catholic Presidential Dictatorship 0.0 Order 0.1
PRU Prussia 549 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.70
QUE Quebec 65 french_canadian catholic Constitutional Monarchy 0.2 Order 0.6
REB Rebels
ROM Romania 664 Romanian orthodox Constitutional Monarchy 0.08 Order 0.21
RUS Russia 994 Russian orthodox Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.15
RUT Ruthenia 702 Ukrainian orthodox Absolute Monarchy 0.02 Order 0.15
SAF South Africa 2087 British Protestant Constitutional Monarchy 0.6 Liberty 0.2
SAR Sardinia 720 north_italian catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.45
SAX Saxony 558 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
SCA Scandinavia 322 Swedish Protestant Constitutional Monarchy 0.05 Order 0.8
SCH Schleswig 369 Danish Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
SCO Scotland 269 British Protestant Constitutional Monarchy 0.1 Order 0.55
SER Serbia 794 serb orthodox Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.1
SGF South German Fed 599 south_german catholic Democracy 0.15 Order 0.87
SHI Shimla 1235 nepali Hindu Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
SIA Siam 1346 thai theravada Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
SIC Two Sicilies 754 south_italian catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.35
SIE Siebenburgen 657 Hungarian catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.1
SIK Sikkim 1328 nepali mahayana Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.01
SIN Sind 1288 sindi sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
SLO Slovenia 768 slovene catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.05 Order 0.35
SLV Slovakia 633 slovak catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.05 Order 0.65
SOK Sokoto 1948 hausa animist Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.002
SPA Spain 487 Spanish catholic Constitutional Monarchy 0.0 Equality 0.13
SWE Sweden 322 Swedish Protestant Constitutional Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
SWI Switzerland 605 Swiss Protestant Democracy 0.0 Order 0.7
SXI Shanxi 1576 beifaren mahayana Presidential Dictatorship 0.0 Order 0.04
TEX Texas 133 Texan Protestant Democracy 0 Liberty 0.50
TIB Tibet 1587 Tibetan mahayana Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.01
TRA Travancore 1319 Malayalam Hindu Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
TRE Trieste 736 north_italian catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.25
TRI Tripoli 1741 maghrebi sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.03
TRN Transvaal 2105 boer Protestant Presidential Dictatorship 0.0 Liberty 0.25
TUN Tunis 1725 maghrebi sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.03
TUR Ottoman Empire 860 Turkish sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.04
TUS Tuscany 744 north_italian catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.45
UCA United States of Central America 2186 central_american catholic Democracy 0.0 Equality 0.09
UKR Ukraine 958 Ukrainian orthodox Absolute Monarchy 0.02 Order 0.15
URU Uruguay 2344 platinean catholic Presidential Dictatorship 0.0 Order 0.1
USA USA 220 yankee Protestant Democracy 0.0 Liberty 0.50
VEN Venice 729 north_italian catholic Democracy 0.1 Order 0.4
VNZ Venezuela 2264 north_andean catholic Democracy 0.0 Liberty 0.11
WAL Wallachia 664 Romanian orthodox Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.1
WEI Saxe 561 north_german Protestant Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
WIA Wiang Chhan 1357 lao theravada Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.02
WLL Wallonia 392 wallonian catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.05 Order 0.28
WUR Wurttemberg 589 south_german catholic Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.8
XBI Xibei San Ma 2062 beifaren mahayana Presidential Dictatorship 0.0 Order 0.04
XIN Xinjiang 1600 beifaren mahayana Presidential Dictatorship 0.0 Order 0.04
YEM Yemen 1178 mashriqi sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.3
YNN Yunnan 1601 nanfaren mahayana Presidential Dictatorship 0.0 Order 0.04
YUG Yugoslavia 625 serb orthodox Constitutional Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.28
ZAN Zanzibar 2048 Swahili sunni Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.004
ZUL Zulu 2113 zulu animist Absolute Monarchy 0.0 Order 0.005