How to make a decision

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不像不受玩家控制的events, decisions可以被玩家直接采用(and any AI country). 决议有各种各样的效果, 从给单一省份增加效果,到统一一个国家,甚至改变世界政治格局. 这篇文章是基础决议制作的一个说明。


Before creating an event you should familiarize yourself with scopes, conditions and effects.

A decision typically has these blocks:

  • potential: The conditions for the decisions being visible.
  • allow: The conditions for taking the decision.
  • effect: What the decision does.
  • ai_will_do: Instructions for the AI.

In each of these blocks scopes, conditions and effects are then used to define the decision.

Example from the Game

One of the most famous decisions in Victoria 2 is probably the German unification decision "Three Hurrahs For Germany!" (expand on the right):
form_germany = {
	news = yes
	news_desc_long = "form_germany_NEWS_LONG"
	news_desc_medium = "form_germany_NEWS_MEDIUM"
	news_desc_short = "form_germany_NEWS_SHORT"
	potential = {
		is_culture_group = germanic
		NOT = {
			exists = GER
			tag = ISR
	allow = {
		is_greater_power = yes
		prestige = 45
		war = no
		GER = {
			all_core = {
				OR = {
					owned_by = THIS
					owner = {
						in_sphere = THIS
	effect = {
		prestige = 20
		change_tag = GER
		add_accepted_culture = north_german
		add_accepted_culture = south_german
		any_country = {
			limit = {
				is_culture_group = germanic
				in_sphere = THIS
			country_event = { id=11101 days=0 }
	ai_will_do = {
		factor = 1

To better understand the decision, it can be broken down into smaller parts:


form_germany = {
	news = yes
	news_desc_long = "form_germany_NEWS_LONG"
	news_desc_medium = "form_germany_NEWS_MEDIUM"
	news_desc_short = "form_germany_NEWS_SHORT"

This names the decision and in this case also gives information for generating a newspaper article, since this is an internationally important decision.


	potential = {
		is_culture_group = germanic
		NOT = {
			exists = GER
			tag = ISR

The decision is visible in the menu when:

  • The country's primary culture is in the Germanic group (which includes North German, South German and Ashkenazi).
  • Germany doesn't already exist, and the country isn't Israel (thus Ashkenazi is excluded).


	allow = {
		is_greater_power = yes
		prestige = 45
		war = no
		GER = {
			all_core = {
				OR = {
					owned_by = THIS
					owner = {
						in_sphere = THIS

If the potential check is successful, a country can take the decision under the following conditions:

  • It is a Great Power.
  • It has at least 45 prestige.
  • It isn't at war.
  • For the country with tag GER (Germany):
    • All core provinces of GER are either
      • owned by the country taking the decision (THIS) OR
      • the owner is in the sphere of THIS


	effect = {
		prestige = 20
		change_tag = GER
		add_accepted_culture = north_german
		add_accepted_culture = south_german
		any_country = {
			limit = {
				is_culture_group = germanic
				in_sphere = THIS
			country_event = { id=11101 days=0 }

If THIS now takes the decision the following happens:

  • It gains 20 prestige.
  • Its tag changes to Germany.
  • North German and South German are added as accepted cultures.
  • Any country that
    • the following conditions are true for:
      • The primary culture is in the Germanic group.
      • It is in the sphere of THIS.
    • instantly (0 days after the decision) gets the event with ID 11101, which gives a choice between being peacefully annexed by THIS and refusing annexation (AI countries will always choose annexation).

Creating a Custom Decision

For this example we will make custom decision to annex Tibet as China.

First we should think about what this decision is about and how we could achieve that. It should

  • annex Tibet
  • give China cores on Tibet
  • give China some Infamy
  • give China a small amount of prestige
  • anger any Tibetans in China

We should also consider the conditions for the decision:

  • Visible when
    • The country is China
    • China is Westernized
    • Tibet still exists
  • Can be taken when
    • China is a Great Power
    • China isn't at war
    • Tibet is a vassal of China


The decision should have a unique name, ideally with some sort of ID in it to prevent confusion with other mods or the base game:

XZ_annex_tibet = {

More experienced modders can also add news information here, but that is optional.


The above conditions put into code:

	potential = {
		tag = CHI				#The tag of the taker is CHI.
		civilized = yes				#The taker has westernized/is a civilized nation.
		exists = TIB				#The country with the tag TIB exists.


	allow = {
		is_greater_power = yes			#The taker is a Great Power.
		war = no				#The taker isn't at war.
		TIB = { vassal_of = THIS }		#The country with the tag TIB is a vassal of the taker.


	effect = {
		badboy = 4				#The taker gains 4 infamy.
		prestige = 10				#The taker gains 10 prestige.
		inherit = TIB				#The taker annexes Tibet.
		any_owned = {				#Any province owned by the taker
			limit = {			#for which the follwoing is true:
				is_core = TIB		#It is a core of Tibet
				NOT = { is_core = CHI }	#It isn't a core of China
			add_core = CHI			#China gains a core on.
		any_pop = {				#Any pop living within the takers borders
			limit = { culture = tibetan }	#Which is Tibetan
			militancy = 7			#Add seven Militancy
			consciousness = 3		#Add 3 Consciousness
		set_country_flag = XZ_annexed_tibet	#Give the taker a country flag (if a check for this decision being taken later needs to be done)

AI instructions

	ai_will_do = {					#Adding this block means that the AI will take this decision as soon as all conditions are met.
		factor = 1
}							#Close the entire decision block.


Finally the decision needs to be put into the game. For that three things are necessary:

  1. The file containing it has to be in the appropriate folder.
  2. It has to be localized, otherwise it will appear in the game as XZ_annex_tibet_title with the description XZ_annex_tibet_desc.
  3. A mod file needs to be created so the engine can properly read the files.

File & Folder

First the decision needs to be enclosed in a political_decisions block so the engine knows it is a decision. Expand the final file on the right:
political_decisions = {
	XZ_annex_tibet = {
		potential = {
			tag = CHI
			civilized = yes
			exists = TIB
		allow = {
			is_greater_power = yes
			war = no
			TIB = { vassal_of = THIS }
		effect = {
			badboy = 4
			prestige = 10
			inherit = TIB
			any_owned = {
				limit = {
					is_core = TIB
					NOT = { is_core = CHI }
				add_core = CHI
			any_pop = {
				limit = { culture = tibetan }
				militancy = 7
				consciousness = 3
			set_country_flag = XZ_annexed_tibet
		ai_will_do = {
			factor = 1

This is now saved as a normal .TXT file in the new mod's decision folder, for example: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Victoria 2\mod\AnnexTibet\decisions.


Localizing decisions in Victoria 2 is quite simple, the necessary file has the following structure:


In case of the Tibetan annexation the localization could look something like this:

XZ_annex_tibet_title;Annex Tibet;;;;;;;;;;;;;
XZ_annex_tibet_desc;Tibet has been part of the Empire in all but name since 1720, now it will be officially annexed.;;;;;;;;;;;;;

In this case there are only English localizations.

This file is now saved as a .CSV file in the localisation folder of the mod, for example: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Victoria 2\mod\AnnexTibet\localisation.

Mod File

A mod file for such a small mod only neeeds two lines: name for the name that will be displayed in the launcher, and path to tell the engine which files to load.

name = "Annex Tibet"
path = "mod/AnnexTibet"

This is saved as a .MOD file in e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Victoria 2\mod

If all these steps are done the mod is complete and should be available for selection in the game launcher.