
本页面所适用的版本可能已经过时,最后更新于Heart of Darkness
Nozomi讨论 | 贡献2020年11月3日 (二) 19:33的版本 →‎指令列表

本页列出了可以输入到控制台窗口的代码,控制台窗口是一个特殊的调试窗口,可以通过按 ` 键访问(非美式键盘上的按钮可能有所不同)。按向上或向下箭头键可遍历以前执行的命令。许多代码可以通过重复这个命令来关闭,但有时需要重新加载保存或退出游戏。



所需拓展包或补丁 指令 效果 例子 备注
money [amount] 将所需金额添加到玩家所在国家的现金储备中。 money 15000
patch 1.2 prestige [amount] 玩家增加特定数目的威望 prestige 100
leadership [amount] Adds the desired amount of leadership to the player's nation's leadership reserves. leadership 3
goods [amount] 玩家获得特定数目的商品和等量的现金,默认增加量为10000. goods 5000 注意:使用此指令添加过多商品可能导致经济危机。
plurality [number] Set the player plurality to the number given. plurality 75
revolt [province id] Rise all the valid rebels of the country that controls [province id] revolt 1 Use twice for it to take effect
instantconstruction 建筑在一天内完成。 instantconstruction 对玩家和AI均生效。
inc 建筑在一天内完成。 inc 仅对玩家生效。
instantresearch 科研在一天内完成。 instantresearch 对玩家和AI均生效。
inr 科研在一天内完成。 inr 仅对玩家生效。
yesmen The AI accepts any deal with the player or other AI players. yesmen This was changed to "debug yesmen" in the initial release of HoD.
HoD debug yesmen The AI accepts any deal with the player or other AI players. debug yesmen
tag [TAG] Change the player country to the one specified. tag USA The tag must be capitalized.

More than 1 change "sleeps" the AI of the affected country until reload.

event [event id] [province id] Trigger province events, regardless of the event requirements. event 5162 1 This command applies to province events only. If the province ID is not specified, the event is triggered in the capital province of the player's country.
event [id] [TAG] Trigger country events, regardless of the event requirements. event 2001 USA This command applies to country events only. If the country tag is not specified, the event is triggered in the player's country.
changeowner [TAG] [province id] Change the current owner of [province id] to the TAG specified. changeowner USA 1
changecontroller [TAG] [province id] Change the current controller of [province id] to the TAG specified. changecontroller USA 1 Unless there is a war between the original owner and the specified country the province will return to the original owner.
conquerall [TAG] Set all enemy provinces under the current country's control. conquerall USA Unless there is a war between the specified country and the current country the provinces will return to the original owner.
showprovinceid Shows the id of the provinces. showprovinceid
provid Shows the id of the provinces. provid A shortened version of the previous command.
spawnunit [unit] [province id] A [unit] appears in the province specified at 0 organization and full strength. spawnunit hussar 206 In case of a land unit, the soldiers will come from a random province.
reload <filename> Allows some files, such as the interface files, to be reloaded. reload interface.gfx No-one is sure which files can be reloaded and which cannot.
reloadfx <effectname> Reloads the specified shaders. reloadfx map
reloadtexture <name> Reloads the specified texture. reloadtexture grass.png
break Enforces rebel/movement demands. break The top-level rebels available in the movement window are the ones that have their demands met.
upperhouse Trigger a reelection of the upper house. upperhouse
election Starts common elections. election
militancy [level] Changes militancy of all pops by the specified amount. militancy 1 Both positive and negative values work.
date 更改日期。 date 1862.5.13
fow 打开/关闭战争迷雾。 fow
HoD debug fow 打开/关闭战争迷雾。 debug fow
debug invent [invention] Discover specified invention. debug invent gas_attack The names of all inventions are in the inventions folder.
debug market Turns on/off a log of price changes. debug market The log is located at which is located in My documents/Paradox Interactive/Victoria 2/Logs/game.log, and has a format described at [1].
minzoom Controls max and minimum zoom. minzoom
debug cb_use <cb_type> <TAG> <TAG> Show all the requirements for a certain Casus Belli, marking which ones are currently valid or invalid. The first TAG is the country trying to use the CB; the second TAG is the country against the CB is evaluated. debug cb_use conquest_cb USA MEX The list can be too long to be completely displayed.
wireframe Switches units' 3D models to wireframe mode. wireframe
blockade <provinceid> Blockades the specified province. blockade 1
reorg <provinceid> All units in the specified province get 100% organization and full strength. reorg 12
fullscreen Changes screen to fullscreen mode. fullscreen
debug allmoney Shows info for money transfers. debug allmoney
debug alwaysdiplo Makes diplomats endless. debug alwaysdiplo
debug alwaysaddwargoal Removes limitations for adding wargoals. debug alwaysaddwargoal
debug researchpoints [number] Grants the specified number of research points. debug researchpoints 9001
debug alwaysreform Eliminates the 1-month wait between reforms. debug alwaysreform You still need to have +50% of the upper house favorable to pass reforms. The effect of this command do not disappear until the game is restarted, and it's unknown if it also affects the AI.
debug influence Makes every Great Power's influence on every country fixed at 100. When deactivated, all influence levels return to normal. debug influence Also affects the AI.

It doesn't show any message on console when activated or deactivated.

suppress Set suppression points to 100. suppress

New commands in HoD


- Toggles the railroads visibility mode.

citysize [on/off] [<size 0-100>(if on)]

- Overrides the cities size.

newsfakegenerateall(fakenewsall) [<stylename>] [<randomseed>]

- Generates fake news for each possible fake defined.

newsfakegenerate(fakenews) [articlename] [<stylename>] [<randomseed>]

- Generates fake news for specified article name.


- Reloads the news databases and styles.

newsgeneratefrompath(newsfrom) [path] [<stylename>] [<randomseed>]

- Generates news from specified folder.

newsgenerate(news) [filename] [<stylename>] [<randomseed>]

- Generates news from file.

addresearch(addr) [techname]

- Adds research at specified name.

leaderprestige(lprestige) [province] [value]

- Adds prestige to leaders attached to units at specified location.


- Toggles ON/OFF updating pops.


- Prints out amount of active pops.

breakalliances(breakally) [<tag>]

- Breaks all alliances for you or for specific country.

lua [luacode]

- Executes lua code typed instead of arguments.


- Prints out all technologies

morehumans(humans) [num]

- Adds more humans

window(wnd) [Arguments: open/close] [window gui name]

- Opens or closes the specified window


- Toggles random logging

reload [file name]

- Reloads the gui or lua file


- Reloads the entire interface

reloadfx [Arguments: map or *.fx filename]

- Reloads the shader

reloadtexture [texture file name]

- Reloads the specified texture


- Switch to map painting mode.


- Switch to region painting mode.


- Switch to continent painting mode.

teleportselectionto(teleport) [province id]

- Teleports currently selected unit to location

reorg [province id]

- Reorganize all units at location (includes enemies, so use wisely)

tutorial [chapter id] [<reload>]

- Sets or reload tutorial


- Copy selected provinces ids to clipboard

debug [Arguments: lines/alwaysupgradecolony/ai/influence/market/alwaysreform/allmoney/alwaysdiplo/alwaysaddwargoal/artisanchange/focusai/info/profile/pops/tooltips/assert/promotiondesc/demotiondesc/cb_use/eco/textures/fow/yesmen/wireframe/minzoom/render/color/save]

- Various debugging actions

spawnactor [actor name] [province id] [<animation>] [<gun>] [<hat>]

- Spawns 3d object at location


- Print out all console commands to game.log file.

help [command name]

- Print out all console commands or a specific command description.

External links

Unconfirmed or not working commands


promotiondesc: Somehow should descript pop promotion. Looks like game crashing.

demotiondesc: Somehow should descript pop demotion. Looks like game crashing.

cthulhu: Calls Cthulhu R'lyeh.

help: Displays the message 'No help for you!' Work in Heart of Darkness.


rand_log Rand log enabled




window Valid commands are: open <windowName> close reload


no_pop_update Pops are not updating Pops are updating


All follow use with debug prefix:

debug lines

alwaysupgradecolony (Always can upgrade colony)

natfoc Prio for:


focusai National focus

ai debug toggled water???

shadow shadows info





textures Texture info has been written to the debug log.

render Render options: Trees: yes no Borders: Text: Overlay: Objects: MapObjects: Rivers: Water: WaterBorders: Effects:


spawnactor Syntax is spawnactor <actorname> <provinceid> [animation] [gun] [hat]









Format of the log generated

[worldmarket.cpp:861]: Ammunition demand: 2213.24

[worldmarket.cpp:862]: Ammunition supply: 731.901

[worldmarket.cpp:863]: Ammunition price: 15.5681



[worldmarket.cpp:1538]: --------------------------------------------

[worldmarket.cpp:1546]: Ammunition _ActualSold Domestic markets: 444.897

[worldmarket.cpp:1547]: Ammunition Suppply World markets: 366.213

[worldmarket.cpp:1549]: Ammunition _ActualSold World: 130.501

[worldmarket.cpp:1550]: Ammunition left on market: 235.712



[worldmarket.cpp:3001]: --------------------------------------------

[worldmarket.cpp:3006]: Ammunition(i:0) sold(domestic): 444.897

[worldmarket.cpp:3007]: Ammunition(i:0) sold(world): 130.501



[worldmarket.cpp:3011]: --------------------------------------------

[worldmarket.cpp:3016]: Ammunition on next market: 290.749