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| {{version|Heart of Darkness}} | | {{version|Heart of Darkness}} |
| '''Occupation''' is an integral part of warfare. | | ''' 占领''' 是战争的重要组成部分。 |
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| The by far best and fastests to force an enemy to capitulate in a war is to occupy provinces. In the base game and in [[A House Divided]] this was rather simple, but in Heart of Darkness different armies can besiege the same province at vastly different speeds.
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| ==Basic Occupation==
| | 在战争中获得大量战争分数迫使敌人投降的最好和最快的方法是占领敌方的全部省份。在原版和[[A House Divided|兄弟阋墙]]DLC中,省份占领的机制较为简单,但黑暗之心版本中,不同的军队占领同一个省份的速度却可以截然不同。 |
| Occupation speed scales directly with how many brigades are in the occupation force, up to a maximum of thirteen brigades: a stack of ten units of infantry will occupy a province twice as quickly as a stack of five, but a stack of thirty will occupy a province at the same speed as a stack of thirteen.
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| An army will suffer a base [[attrition]] rate of 2% while occupying a province; except in the cases of invasion forces too large for optimum efficiency, this is the only attrition they will suffer. Additionally while laying siege to a province, an invading army only receives 80% of the [[Supply Limit]] that the province owner's armies receive.
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| ==Reconnaissance Efficiency== | | == 占领基础值== |
| If an army includes a brigade with a Reconnaissance score then it will occupy provinces more quickly. The bonus to speed is equal to 50% times the Reconnaissance value of the highest-Reconnaissance brigade in the army. This bonus is reduced by having less than 100% Reconnaissance Efficiency.
| | 在不考虑任何加成的情况下,占领速度与占领军队中旅的数量线性相关,在 13个旅时达到最高占领速度:一支10旅步兵占领一个省的速度是一支5旅步兵的两倍,但一支30旅的军队与一支13旅的军队占领省份的速度相同。 |
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| {{icon|Cavalry}} Cavalry, {{icon|Hussar}}Hussars, {{icon|Dragoon}}Dragoons and {{icon|Airplane}}Airplanes provide Reconnaissance to their army. So long as at least one tenth of the army is composed of Reconnaissance units, then the army's Reconnaissance Efficiency will be at {{green|100%}} and adding in extra Reconnaissance units will not speed up occupation.{{icon|Cuirassier}}Cuirassiers do not have reconnaissance despite their being mounted soldiers, until an invention unlocked in 1919
| | 占领过程中,军队将遭受2%的基础[[attrition| 损耗]]率,因为部队规模太大导致超过了补给上限也会导致额外的损失。此外,在围攻省份时,入侵军队的[[Supply Limit| 补给上限]]只有该省份所有者军队补给上限的80% 。 |
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| If less than one tenth of the stack has Reconnaissance, then the army's Reconnaissance Efficiency will be equal to the percentage of the required brigades present (i.e. one brigade out of twenty would give the army a Reconnaissance Efficiency of {{green|50%}}) and the increase to occupation speed will be lower.
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| ==Siege Efficiency==
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| A [[fort]] makes it take about {{red|75%}} longer to occupy a province per fort level (i.e. a level three fort will add 225% to the required occupation length).
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| If an army includes a brigade with a Siege score, then it will reduce the effective level of a province's fort by one for every point of the highest-Siege brigade's Siege score. This effect is weakened by having less than 100% Siege Efficiency.
| | ==侦察效率== |
| | 如果占领部队中含有提供侦察值的旅,占领速度也会加快。速度加成等于侦察值最高旅的侦察值的50% 。侦察效率低于100%时,此加成也会相应降低。 |
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| {{icon|Engineer}}Engineers and {{icon|Armor}}Tanks provide Siege capability for their army. So long as at least one tenth of the army is composed of Siege units, then the army's Siege Efficiency will be at {{green|100%}} and adding in extra Siege units will not make the army any more effective against forts. | | {{icon|Cavalry}}骑兵、 {{icon|Hussar}}骠骑兵、{{icon|Dragoon}}龙骑兵和{{icon|Airplane}}飞机都能提供侦察。只要侦察部队占比达到十分之一,军队的侦察效率将达到{{green|100%}},继续增加额外的侦察部队不会加快占领速度。虽然{{icon|Cuirassier}}胸甲骑兵也骑马作战,但在1919年的发明解锁之前他们没有侦察能力。 |
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| | 如果只有不到十分之一的部队具有侦察能力,那么侦察效率会相应降低(比如,如果二十个旅中只有有一个旅提供侦察,侦察效率为{{green|50%}}),占领速度加成也会下降。 |
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| | ==围城效率== |
| | 每一级[[要塞]]使占领省份的时间延长{{red|75%}}。注意,随着要塞等级的增加,占领时间的增加是相加而不是相乘(比如,三级要塞将使占领省份的时间延长{{red|225%}})。 |
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| | 如果占领部队中含有提供围城值的旅,被占领省份的要塞作用会被削弱。若占领部队中围城最高的部队围城值为X,则被占领省份的有效要塞等级将会下降X。围城效率不足100%时,这一效果也会相应下降 |
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| | {{icon|Engineer}} 工兵和{{icon|Armor}} 坦克都能提供围城效率。只要围城部队占比达到十分之一,军队的围城效率将达到{{green|100%}} ,增加额外的围城部队不会继续增加削弱要塞的作用。 |
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| | 在没有堡垒的省份,围城不会增加占领速度。 |
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| | ==早期版本== |
| | 在原版和[[A House Divided|兄弟阋墙]]中,用大量兵力占领土地几乎没什么意义,因为与小规模军队相比占领速度加快并不明显,以及补给上限带来的限制。[[黑暗之心]]版本则显著改变了这种情况。 |
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| An army's Siege value does not increase the speed of occupation in provinces that do not have a fortress.
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| ==Previous Versions==
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| In the base game and in [[A House Divided]] there was little use to using large stacks to occupy land with: supply limits were low, and the occupation did not speed up appreciably compared to a smaller stack. The [[Heart of Darkness]] expansion changed this dynamic significantly.
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| [[Category:Warfare]] | | [[Category:Warfare]] |
在不考虑任何加成的情况下,占领速度与占领军队中旅的数量线性相关,在 13个旅时达到最高占领速度:一支10旅步兵占领一个省的速度是一支5旅步兵的两倍,但一支30旅的军队与一支13旅的军队占领省份的速度相同。
骑兵、 骠骑兵、龙骑兵和飞机都能提供侦察。只要侦察部队占比达到十分之一,军队的侦察效率将达到100%,继续增加额外的侦察部队不会加快占领速度。虽然胸甲骑兵也骑马作战,但在1919年的发明解锁之前他们没有侦察能力。